Interactively fit Brown Dwarf Spectra with the gollum dashboard

In this tutorial we will see how the spectra of brown dwarfs vary as a function of their intrinsic properties. We will fit observed spectra of a particular brown dwarf with the gollum dashboard, a dashboard which fits models based on properties including effective temperature, surface gravity, metallicity, rotational broadening, and radial velocity. The fitting for this tutorial will be based on the Sonora-Bobcat 2021 models, which takes into account effective temperature, surface gravity, and metallicity as intrinsic values.

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from gollum.sonora import SonoraGrid
from specutils import Spectrum1D
import pandas as pd
import astropy.units as u
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from IPython.display import HTML
from IPython.display import Image

First, we will read in an example spectrum of this ultracool dwarf:

2MASS J05591914-1404488

We got its data from the Keck Telescope’s NIRSPEC spectrograph. A specific section of this data is displayed below.

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df = pd.read_csv('../../data/2mass0559_59.dat',
                 names=['wave', 'flux'])
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The unit for wavelength here is microns and the unit for flux is “counts”.

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bdss_spectrum = Spectrum1D(spectral_axis=df.wave.values*u.micron,
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wl_lo, wl_hi = (bdss_spectrum.wavelength.value.min(),

Next, we can read in the Sonora-Bobcat grid and show an interactive dashboard.

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grid = SonoraGrid(wl_lo=wl_lo, wl_hi=wl_hi)

Awesome! Now you can hand-in a data spectrum to overlay it onto the grid and begin fitting using the interactive sliders.

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grid.show_dashboard(data=bdss_spectrum, show_telluric=False)

dashboard demo

The dashboard looks great!